
2021年4月22日—AcollectionofVMsfromModern.IEandMicrosoftEdgeDeveloperThiscollectionincludesthefollowingVMsforVMWare:IE6-WindowsXPIE7 ...,modern.IE是微軟新推出的一套免費的瀏覽器測試工具——旨在幫助開發人員減少在測試瀏覽器兼容性上所用的時間,而將更多的精力放在創新上。,Modern.IE·AhoyMatey!·SavingDevelopersover1MillionHours:Celebratingthe1YearAnniversaryofmodern.IE·InternetExplorerInvitesYoutoRethink...


2021年4月22日 — A collection of VMs from Modern.IE and Microsoft Edge DeveloperThis collection includes the following VMs for VMWare:IE6 - Windows XPIE7 ...

Modern IE_百度百科

modern.IE 是微軟新推出的一套免費的瀏覽器測試工具—— 旨在幫助開發人員減少在測試瀏覽器兼容性上所用的時間,而將更多的精力放在創新上。

Modern.IE Archives

Modern.IE · Ahoy Matey! · Saving Developers over 1 Million Hours: Celebrating the 1 Year Anniversary of modern.IE · Internet Explorer Invites You to Rethink What ...

Download a Windows virtual machine

Start building Windows applications quickly by using a virtual machine with the latest versions of Windows, the developer tools, SDKs, and samples ready to go.

Microsoft Edge Developer

Debug and automate the browser using powerful tools for web developers. Learn more.


modern.ie VMs under KVM/QEMU. Automates the process of getting the modern.ie images and converting them for usage with KVM. There are 3 scripts:.

Modern IE virtual machine asks for a password

Please use the credentials below to log on (apply to Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8). Login: IEUser. Password: Passw0rd!

modern.ie Virtual Machines

2015年8月18日 — Ran across this curiosity today: Microsoft Edge Dev Center provides a bunch of ready made virtual machines with different versions of IE web ...


2013年4月8日 — Modern.IE推出后大受好评,为了让国内开发者获得更好体验,翘首以待的中文版终于在2个月后正式上线啦!Modern.IE为你免费提供多种实用的兼容性测试工具。